divendres, 15 de novembre del 2013


During this term we saw a lot of different cultures and traditions. It made me think about how big is our world and about if our customs are similar to other ones.
If we compare the rites of passage we celebtare with the rest of Europe there's not a big change, but with other places, like Mexico or some parts of Africa their traditions are totally different!
It always depends on the religion that they have. 

When we were searching information about other cultures we found out that the majority of them, the most important rite of passage it's when we jump the step of beign an adolescent to a young adult. In Catalonia we don't celebrate it as much as other cultures do. Like "la Quinzeañera" a big celebration for the Mexican girls with a lot of glamour, pink and sparkles. Or like some tribes in Africa: they have to hunt lions, or tatooing their faces to be respected. I'm not saying that we should do that, of course not! But in my opinion it's unfair, because now that we are changing and starting to be who we want to be, some adults are treating us like if we were kids. Or in reverse: like if we were very mature. I think that other people has to understand that we're adapting to how it's going to be our live (for almost forever). Now we're starting to know how the world really works, so they can pretend that we don't know anything or that we know everything.

In my opinion, it might be a good thing to have in mind this procces of being new to the adult's world. We don't need a celebration or a rite. We just need some understandment that make us feel safe knowing that we're doing it right. Who knows. Perhaps this feeling is never going to leave, the better judge that you can have is yourself.

"La Quinceanera"
Image source
¨Hunting lions
Image source

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