divendres, 8 de març del 2013


When we were in the middle of the second term, we were all very busy. Being on that situation it made me remind about Christmas days, when we were so happy having lunch with all the family and sharing beautiful moments together. I had a great time doing cards for all my family like I do every year.

Christmas sweet
Christmas cards

Now when I think of those days it's like we didn't have hollidays because I can't even remember what I did. So when I miss Christmas I begin to think when I will have the proper hollidays. I love Easter, they are short, because we just have one week whithout school. 
This time Easter is going to be a little bit different, because I'm the godmother of one of my cousins, Eyob, and I'm going to give a "Mona de Pasqua" to him. This is very strange for me because I never did that before. I'm very excited to see all my family again, bcause since we had started the school we can't meet all together. I think that I will paint some eggs and I will give them to all my family!

Easter eggs

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