dijous, 6 de juny del 2013


I'm in fourth of eso, and this year we did a school trip to Mallorca. We spent there almost four days and we had a great time.

 We left at night and we went to Mallorca with a big ship, like a cruise ship but less luxuroius. We have to share the rooms with four friends. It was the smallest room that I have ever seen! I went with Mireia, Carla and Sílvia. We haven't got space for anything but we sort it out very well. We only slept three hours because of all the excitement. We arrived there in the morning, we left our things in the hotel and we went to explore it! It wasn't very beautiful, but we didn't mind.
The most important thing of the trip was having fun and forget all the things about high school! We went there for build good memories, not for getting stressed! 

 We had a personal guide who was from there and we couldn't understand him very well. He was funny: he always was telling us where were the toilets. That's a normal thing to tell, but he was insisting very much about that! "Es lavabos son a sa dreta! ; Ara anirem cap a s'autocar, i allà no hi han lavabos, eh?!".

Maybe the best day that I remember it's the one that we spent in the beach. The weather was a little cold, and we didn't swim. But there was sun! And we did sunbathing to get a little tan!
The best part was when we started to eat our lunch. A bunch of seagulls appeared and they were very close to us! I was a little bit afraid because some boys were throwing pieces of bread to them. The seagulls were fighting to get the food and I thought that they will come to us to caught it! Now that I write down that it doesn't seem as funny as it was... But it was fun to see the boys getting scared while they were throwing the food. They were like five year old children! We laughed a lot!

It was sad leaving, but we had to spent eight hours in the cruise ship. There we get bored. It was a good strategy because then we all wanted to arrive!

The first photo that I took.
It's a view of the beach that we have near the hotel.

Having fun at the beach!

A view of the beach and some hungry seagulls...

A photo of some of us!

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