diumenge, 10 de maig del 2015


Els Amics de les Arts is a pop catalan band well known in Catalonia. And this year they celebrate their 10th anniversary. Although I haven't been following them since 2005 (I was too young to be able to know who they were) I have been listening to their music since 2008-09, when I discovered a song that I still love, called L'home que treballa fent de gos.

I think that I know the lyrics of each song that they have. I love their way of making music. Each song has a story, and every story is weird in a funny way. Even the ones that talk about love! 
Appart of the lyrics, I also love the musicality of the group, they are not affraid of using a lot of instruments. You can see their evolutions through their CD's, perhaps their style is more mature, but you can recognise from a thousand miles away a song from them! 

Another thing to have in consideration is that they are quite normal people. You can relate to them, and their concerts are really, really funny and magical. 

Resultado de imagen de els amics de les arts
Resultado de imagen de els amics de les arts
Resultado de imagen de els amics de les arts
There's an anecdote related to them that I will always remember: one day, we were in maths class doing a very mecanical and long exercise, we had to do graphics, and suddently, out of the blue, someone sung out loud a single random sentence from a song made by the band. Then, another person followed him with the next sentence, and then another person popped out singing the following part. We weren't bothering anyone, and sharing songs that you love with people who also love them was a very magical experience. The songs are that easy to follow that it's almost impossible to not doing it!

I apreciate a lot their music and almost everyday in our traject to school I sang the songs to start the day with energy.
Here's one of the songs that they made to celebrate the 10th anniversary. It's called Els amics s'ajuden amb tot. In my opinion, it's the weirdest video that they have ever made. But I really like it! Also, L'home que treballa fent de gos (a very apreciated caracter for the fandom) also has an appearance which I find very hilarious!

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